

Any active support groups for BPD?



I’m looking for a support group for my husband and I. 18yo with BPD and 27 yo with BPD, and the struggle is real. We’ve signed up for Family Connections, but it’s in a few months.  All the sites I’ve looked at - don’t have forums atm. 



Re: Any active support groups for BPD?

Hey @Hibiscus1 ,


Maybe @BPDSurvivor can help 🙂

Re: Any active support groups for BPD?

Hi @Hibiscus1 , I was just mentioning to someone else that I am doing some work with the Australian BPD Foundation and may be able to point you to the direction of services in your state if you are interested.


I don’t know what state you live in though.


All the best. It is a totally treatable condition. I know because I’m living proof.

Re: Any active support groups for BPD?


yes you are proof ❤️ 


We are in North West Tasmania - so I imagine an online forum would be best. I can’t find any! 

thanks xx 

Re: Any active support groups for BPD?

Hi there @Hibiscus1 


Have you check facebook? I just had a quick look and they have quite a few support groups, some for parents of children with BPD. 


Hope that helps a little


Re: Any active support groups for BPD?

Hi and thank you 


I am on a FB group for families/carers  - but that's not a group who meet and discuss/support,  and it's not necessarily moderated by professionals or people with experience.  I'm looking for an online group that meet and discuss - like a AA family group - i would have thought there were many, but i can't identify any that are up and running. Some of the FB groups are, umm unsafe - as there are members with BPD, who 'react' ... not really the safe space I am looking for.  

Re: Any active support groups for BPD?



BPD Community looks to still be running an online BPD family/friends/carers group every 3rd Tuesday online. You can see more here: Family And Friends Group (


Hope that helps 🙂 

Re: Any active support groups for BPD?

That’s a great tip @cjmcr ! @Hibiscus1 , did you read the post above from @cjmcr ?

Re: Any active support groups for BPD?

thank you 🙏🏼 so much. I couldn’t find that - and it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for 💕 

Re: Any active support groups for BPD?

@cjmcr  thank you 🙏🏼