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Looking after ourselves

Re: Support for L-B

Just relieved about the public holiday this week so pressure is temporarily off.

Re: Support for L-B

So true @L-B . Hope it's a good break for you 🙂 

Re: Support for L-B

Hi @tyme @Asgard @Jynx @Former-Member @L-B 


I might try the smiling mind app too. I haven’t heard of it before. I tend to crave junk food as well. 

I hope you are feeling a bit better after having today off @L-B 

Thinking of you and hoping things are getting easier for you 

Re: Support for L-B

Hey @Oaktree ,


I'm so so glad you tried the Smiling Mind app too.


I NEVER used to like mindfulness/meditation, but after persisting with it on this app, it somehow 'clicked' and I swear by it now. 


Looking into the research behind mindfulness has been a real eye opener, and tells me I can gain more control of my body than I think I can. However, i also think my encounter with this was at the perfect time. If I was any younger, I don't think I would have responded to it as well as I have.


And yes @Oaktree , the craving program on the app really helps me get through the cravings. It's pretty remarkable.


Hope you're okay @L-B  and had a good rest on the public holiday.

Re: Support for L-B

Thanks for your enquiries @tyme @Oaktree @Asgard @Jynx about my well being. I've exercised and meditated more this week which has been amazing but still had a poor sleep worrying about my job. It's challenging even with a strategy in place. Hoping lifestyle factors along with problem solving at work will kick in with greater effect over time.

Re: Support for L-B

Please let us know how it goes. It'll take time and hard work, but you may be looking back in a few years time and thinking...oh? Look how far I've come! @L-B 


For me, i know that when the time was 'right', the recovery just happened... i did more work in a space of 2 years than I did for a decade beforehand...

Re: Support for L-B

Time and hard work...not so bad @tyme when you're taking it a moment at a time! 

Re: Support for L-B

Hearing you @L-B ! Sometimes for me, it was about getting through the next 5 mins. It wasn't even about getting through the hour or the day. That's how hard things got. 


Only you know how much to push yourself. 


Just know we are here cheering you on 🙂

Re: Support for L-B

It's been making a great difference @tyme! In the light of recent media events, having a diagnosis of schizophrenia and also managing a relationship break up and with the start of a new job I've been tested and pushed but taking it one moment at a time there are glimmers of hope. And a cheer squad rocks!

Re: Support for L-B

That is so encouraging to hear @L-B . Also remember, YOU are the one doing the hard work. Yes, we can cheer you on, but YOU are the one launching into the deep.


Well done 🙂



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