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Re: Support for L-B

Cheers Tyme.

Re: Support for L-B

Hi @L-B 


How are ye doing today, just been reading through your interaction with @tyme, they also have the best advice.  Coming off anti-depressants is scary, here's hoping that the new ones will work better for you.  Sometimes when we think that they are not working, they actually are, I had thought that mine weren't working but when I ran out of them over a long weekend, I realised how much they kept me on a even kilter.  Hope your next doctors appt goes well.  Take care 🙂  

Re: Support for L-B

Hi Asgard, I had the day off work today (working part-time) which was really needed. I'm unsure of what support to ask from my workplace in relation to my mental health. 

Re: Support for L-B

Hey @L-B ,


Do you think there is capacity for you to work reduced hours as a way to ease you into the workplace and protect your mental health at the same time?


We are here for you.


Have I recommended for you to see if you are eligible for SANE Guided Service? This is for a series of 1:1 and group supports. You can see if you are eligible here:


Look forward to hearing from you.


@Asgard I believe the above post from @L-B was for you 🙂

Re: Support for L-B

Hi Tyme, my workplace initially set a minimum amount that I am doing but if I keep struggling like this I would ask them to reduce a day as an alternative to leaving the job. I think if they want me to stay they'll be receptive...I shall keep the 1:1 idea in week is a shorter week with the public holiday which gives me more time. And I called my Doctor to request a script in advance of my appointment next week.

Re: Support for L-B

@L-B ,


Fair enough. Also, because you have only been there 2 months, it's tough.


I hope it gets smoother for you soon.


Thanks for the update. 

Re: Support for L-B

Thanks @tyme -- still learning heaps from you

Re: Support for L-B

We are all learning from each other @Asgard 


This is the beauty of connection!


I thrive on learning and that's what gets me through.

Re: Support for L-B

Hi Tyme and Asgard, things were smoother today. I spoke to my Psychiatrist who, with all things considered, has recommended physical activity instead of another antidepressant. I went for a short walk today and am going to the gym tomorrow. I feel happier that I can avoid the side effects.

Re: Support for L-B

That's so great @L-B .


I've read the research about the power of exercise for mental health. Well done!


Another thing is mindfulness. Have you ever used the Smiling Mind app? This is a free evidence-based app and it has different programs you can go through.


For me, the most helpful programs on the app are 'cravings' because I have intense cravings for junk food after I take my medication and it's not good for me; the "24 day sleep program" is also amazing, and "anxiety".


I'm interested to hear if you've ever tried it. I've also tried paid apps, but non have been as good at Smiling Mind.

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