
Re: Far and Away

Hugs @Snowie ,


I can see that the last few days have been particularly difficult for you. Would it help if I sit with you tonight?



Re: Far and Away

Thanks @tyme 

That would be nice.

I hope today has been a good one for you.


Re: Far and Away

Sure @Snowie ! I'd love to.


Today has neither been good or bad. It's just been another day. I day for me to learn and grow. This is what I thrive on.


I no longer seek to have 'good' days, because I get disappointed lol.


Today, I have been working on an EV3 lego robot and trying to program it to do different missions. 


What have you been doing today? We had lovely sunshine today here in Melb. 



Re: Far and Away

That makes sense @tyme 

Sounds like you have kept yourself occupied today. I love lego too and my son still does. We have all his lego still from when he was young. Was going to keep it all to pass onto his son if he has one.


My day has been a slow one. Just ferrying my daughter to and from work, went to the chemist and supermarket and that has been about it. My med change has made me more tired then usual but trying not to sleep during the day so I can sleep better at night.


Re: Far and Away

True @Snowie . You are very wise in keeping yourself up so as to hopefully have a better sleep this evening. Do you find having a sleep tends to 'reset' your mood? It does for me (once I get to sleep). So sometimes, when I'm having a challenging day, one of my strategies is to 'sleep it off' - if you know what I mean.


It sounds like you have also had a very busy day! In a way, it's good to keep busy. It's a bit of a distraction from thoughts?


Here's a cuppa for you:

Screen Shot 2022-06-27 at 5.18.49 pm.png



Re: Far and Away

Thanks for the cuppa @tyme Am having a cup at the moment.

I find sleep helps me reset too. I have meds to help me get to sleep but if I wake up during the night I try and find it hard to get back to sleep.


I try and keep myself distracted from thoughts. I find if I have time spare that is when my mind starts to go haywire. My dog helps me a lot in those times. She gives great cuddles and just seems to know when I am having a bad day. They are so good company. Don't judge you at all.

Re: Far and Away

Pet therapy can be soooo effective @Snowie ! I'm glad you find this helps. Hugs, cuddles and licks are so heart-warming. And yes, no judgement at all! They are the most amazing listeners too!


I find when I am idle, my mind starts to wander. Hence, I like to keep busy. If I don't have things scheduled in, I tend to get upset with myself at the end of the day because I feel like I've lost precious time.


My past life in depression meant for years I didn't do much. I think my brain is now telling me I need to make up for lost time? Who knows? But I thrive on keeping busy now.


And LEGO certainly keeps my brain going! It's more complicated than many think!


What are you going to do as part of your wind-down routine tonight?



Re: Far and Away

I'm glad you find things to keep yourself busy @tyme 

It really is a great way of keeping our thoughts in check.


Have to go pick up Daughter from work soon then I think I will have a bath. It helps me relax a bit especially if my day has been harder then normal.


Yes, dogs are great therapy. My psych sometimes brings her puppy into sessions. It helps me when we have difficult things to talk about.


Re: Far and Away

Have a safe drive @Snowie .


Speak soon, tyme

Re: Far and Away

🙏 @Snowie @tyme Thanks


💞🌷 @Shaz51 ……