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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

Lots of big things have happened this week @tyme maybe I will fill you in tomorrow if you are around for a chat I have to go to sleep now though

Re: I can’t cope

Wow.. that’s pretty vivid @tyme.


I don’t actually know what to say.


It does mean a lot that you thought of me and that it kept you awake. (That sounds bad! I mean it in a good way) It makes me think that I do have meaning in someone’s life. 

I needed to hear that today. 

I said hi @ArraDreaming 


Re: I can’t cope

I know you did @Captain24
You weren’t very responsive to any of the other things I said when you were quite happy engaging in conversation otherwise, I was offering some support when you said you felt alone made me think you didn’t want to talk to me that was all and that’s ok if not 

i understand 
Cya, night

Re: I can’t cope

Sure thing @ArraDreaming . I'll be around later tomorrow night after the PGC. We can catch-up then. It's been a huge week for me too, and like you, I can't believe it's only Wednesday.


Rest up. We will talk later this week when you are up for it.

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 ,


Yes... the whole dream was so vivid. I NEVER remember dreams even if I have them. I actually FELT this dream.


So much so, I had to log on in the wee hours of the morning to check if you'd posted...


Yes, we DO care about you. I may not seem like it sometimes, but in this dream, the entire community was concerned.


I think you don't realise the impact you have on people - it's more than you realise, and not in a 'bad' way. 🙂

Re: I can’t cope

One of
My favourite places closed down @tyme it’s upset me today

Re: I can’t cope

 Oh yes, I read about that @ArraDreaming . I'm so so sorry. We are here if you want to share a little about it. However, only if you are ready to. I recognise it can be difficult to share.

Re: I can’t cope

Yikes ! The time as flown! I gotta be off shortly. Please do catch up either tomorrow or Friday @Captain24 @ArraDreaming 

Re: I can’t cope

That gave me a little ache in my heart @tyme


To think that I would mean that much to someone. I do appreciate that you even checked in on me. Those kind of ‘real’ dreams can be scary. 

I have to say I have been told in the past that I have made an impact. I don’t see it. But I guess we don’t. 

Re: I can’t cope

Top of the morning to you @Captain24 hope you got some good sleep last night and today is alright

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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