
Re: I can’t cope

Oh dear @Captain24 .


I'm sorry to hear. It sounds like there have been physical effects of this.


It may be good to take note of the incident while it is fresh for you because I'm sure there will be an investigation. e.g. that the person told you to keep driving etc.


At this stage, there has been a lot of progress in you. I wonder if this is a little 'test' in your recovery? Of course it's not a test, but that's how I used to conquer the challenges that came in the way. As soon as things were getting on track, then a 'test' would come, but I would be determined to beat it....


And yes, that's how I best it each time.

Re: I can’t cope

I have journaled a little bit about it. @tyme. I should write it all down. I might do it tomorrow. It’s a great idea. Thank you. There will be an investigation as it has to be reported to the regulators. 

I have made a lot of progress and I am proud of myself. If this is a test I’m really failing. 

With the urges, I have resisted. That’s a massive achievement and shows me that I am getting stronger 

Re: I can’t cope

Precisely @Captain24 .


That's what I want to point out. 


Nowadays, I laugh when I think about it. I remember I asked my clinician, "Is this a test?" He looked more than bewildered and had no idea what I was talking about.


But yes, these little mind games have always gotten me through life. Even now, to coax myself to do something, I 'beat the timer' or something silly like that.


But in a way, it shows I'm a goal oriented person and it works for me.


You might find something different works for you.


But yes, whenever there have been incidents, the first thing I do is write as much as I can down so that I don't forget the details when it comes time for the investigation etc. It takes the stress off.


I look forward to hearing how it goes for you this week, when you contact the OHS person... or whoever you have to contact. Remember to see the doc for an all-clear too.


I'll see you around.

Re: I can’t cope

It just cost me a lot at the vets but at least Pixie has had her vaccination and they have both had paralysis tick medication. Plus I have medication to take away if they get sick. 

I have sorted out all my meds to take. I have packed most of my clothes. All I have left is to pack the things that can’t be packed until the day I go.


Im feeling organised. Wednesday will be a busy day though as I have to bath them and clean the whole house plus have a sleep as I’ll be coming off nightshift. 

So much to do but I’ve done what I can. 

My head is still pounding and I’ve taken so much OTC meds and can’t stop it. There’s nothing else I can take. It’s making me feel miserable. I need it to go ease before I go away. I don’t want to be in the sun all day with the way my head is. But the holiday is on the coast so all I want to do is be in the sun. 

Hopefully things come together and it all works out. Fingers crossed. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 I've just been catching up on everything. Have you thought any more about seeing the dr? Maybe just having a check before you go away could be a good idea if you're still feeling unwell.


It sounds like you're getting nice and organised for your trip, hopefully that makes it all go nice and smoothly. Keeping my fingers crossed things come together for you too!

Re: I can’t cope

Just popping past and leaving some 💗here for you.

Sounds like you are working through some things at the moment. Hopefully things work out for you.

Re: I can’t cope

Thanks @Snowie 


There is a lot going on. 

I just wish I could get rid of the headache. 

Im waiting to find out when the investigation is for my incident. I should ask tonight if I remember. If it’s next week I’ll be away. I’ve never been involved in something so serious. The investigation scares me because I’m going to have to talk in front of all the people that do it. 

How are you going being out of hospital? 

Re: I can’t cope

Hopefully you find out soon @Captain24 and it can all be solved before you go away. Last things you want to worry about.


Just trying to settle back into things here, hopefully the next few days go ok.


Re: I can’t cope

It’s hard to settle back in @Snowie. I struggled a lot. I understood why they wouldn’t let me out. But now I feel

like I have turned a corner. I’ve taken a couple of backwards steps in the last few days. But I guess that’s understandable.

I hope you find your feet and can also

move forward. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 

I think it is totally normal to take some steps backwards. I know that I do too. It's also hard to settle back into our normal lives, especially when things are so different when we are in hospital.


I know how you feel.


Hopefully your hospital visit helps you in the long run. Feeling like you have turned a corner is a really good step forward.