
Re: I can’t cope

Oh and re: polyamory @Captain24 this is more or less what resonates with me and has helped me embrace poly life: Tumblr post on Toxic Monogamy. Although it helped that like... about 8 years ago when I truly thought no one would ever love me, one of my (now bestest) friends hit on me at a house party and like, started courting me. I was at a point where any kind of indication of desire was like, hugely surprising so I was willing to do whatever in order to continue the relationship and well, he was poly, he had another partner, and he introduced me to the concept. So even though I'd grown up socialised to believe that there's only ONE WAY you're SUPPOSED to do relationships (which is complete and utter BS and so harmful to us as a society) I was willing to put my 'values' (i.e. blindly accepted socialisation) aside in order to continue the connection. A little while later I discovered Relationship Anarchy and haven't looked back. It legitimately has had a hugely positive impact on how I approach relationships and has been a big factor in my efforts to heal my attachment trauma. 

Re: I can’t cope

I’m about to go to the beach to walk the dogs, I think. Wouldn’t know with these two. @Jynx 


Can we go through that chore stuff tomorrow night? Please? It’s a bit hard at the moment. 

That poly stuff sounds interesting. I’ll read the info tonight when I’m back at the house. 

Of course I’ll share what I do. It’ll probably be pretty crap but at least I will have tried

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 yes of course we can! And thank you for expressing a healthy boundary to me about it. Good on you 😁


I hope the walk is super lovely!! I probs won't see you again till tomorrow then, as I finish at 5!! 


Yeah let me know what you think about the poly stuff! It also happens to be one of my special interests so I will chew your ear off about it if you let me 😉


Doesn't matter if it's crap, babes! It's all about the process! I hope it's okay if I quote you here @StanD but what you spoke about in your post this morning might really resonate with our dear Cap!! This was what I found so inspiring:


I held the charcoal pencil & stared at blank page saying to myself, I don't know how to draw, I don't know what to do with charcoal. And then a voice said, do anything, there are no mistakes, you don't have to post it. And I think I give myself freedom.

I hope it resonates with you too hun. Can't wait to see it. 


Have a chill arvo, enjoy the sun n sand, and I'll chat to you tomorrow - just tag me to remind me if you wanna talk chore stuff! 💜

Re: I can’t cope

wanted to pop in and say hi @Captain24 @Snowie what are you both up to tonight? 

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @rav3n 

Not up to a lot tonight. Have spent the day washing, cleaning and cooking but have actually enjoyed it.

I hope tonight is ok for you. Anything planned?

Re: I can’t cope

oh yay! glad the cleaning/cooking was enjoyable for you @Snowie 

speaking of cleaning, i have a massive pile of clothes to re-organise and put away tonight... been putting it off for days 😬 not looking forward to it but i know once i start, i'll probably enjoy it too. 

Re: I can’t cope

I don't really like the cleaning whilst I'm doing it @rav3n but the satisfaction afterwards feels good.

I like cooking. I find it helps my MH too. It's a good distraction and at the same time I get to make different things that the family like. Today was a big pan full of fried rice and some chicken pad thai, all put into containers and put in the fridge/freezer. Then when I can't be bothered cooking or I'm not home, there are meals for hubby and the kids.


I hope you get your clothes all put away tonight. At least they are already clean!

Re: I can’t cope

fried rice and chicken pad thai sounds soooo good, making me hungry just thinking about it 😋 @Snowie 

i really want to get into cooking, i save recipes from instagram but never end up trying any. where do you tend to get your cooking inspo / recipes from?


the satisfaction after cleaning is the best, planning to reward myself by lighting a lil candle if i get it done 🕯

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @rav3n 


Ive just been out to dinner, not long got back. 

Im planning a hot shower and wash my hair. The wind has been terrible and my hair is full of salt and sand, I haven’t even gone swimming. 

I need some aloe Vera gel as well. I’m a little burnt from all my bush walking. 

How are you?

Re: I can’t cope

hope the dinner was nice! @Captain24 


ahh yep! hate the feeling of salt and sand in my hair too, so uncomfy. and sunburn too yikes, hope you get that aloe vera soon!! i saw some pictures from the beach - looked so beautiful!! are you into photography? 


i've been well, just been procrastinating cleaning my room. it's a massive clutter of clothes everywhere from my bed to my desk 😅 hoping to get it cleaned tonight so i can feel refreshed