
Re: I can’t cope

I have access to 2 psychs and a social worker @Captain24 . I've reached out to one already.


As for keeping routine, what happens when I get depressed is that I find it really hard to get out of the house, hard to eat anything at all, and I find it so hard to have the energy to do anything. Hence, at the beginning of a possible depressive episode, I push through so that if I don't feel I want to eat, I ensure I eat, and eat healthy; if I'm on the verge of insomnia, I take extra precautions to ensure I practice sleep hygiene; if I feel like staying at home, I push myself to get out as part of a routine.


By doing the three things above, I end up being able to manage any possible depressive episode. So it's more a proactive approach.


When things were really hard last week, straight away, my appetite shut down, my energy levels were zapped and I didn't even want to see the kids. That is a red flag for me.


So I feel it's important to know your red flags and be proactive about your health.


Sorry for the mumble jumble... 


Have a great rest and I'll catch you tomorrow - it'll be later though because I have a few meetings on.

Re: I can’t cope

I’m glad you have reached out @tyme

I like how you know your warning signs. Sorry I asked so many questions but I care about you and want to see you get through this. Plus it’s a good way for me to learn what others do. 

Im home and unpacked and have started washing. I didn’t clean my house before I left so now I have to do it tomorrow. 

I need to find some place to organise all my art stuff that I have. So I can see what I have for when I want to do something! 


Re: I can’t cope

Hope you made it home safe n sound @Captain24 💜

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Jynx 


I did it was an ok trip just a few trucks where you can’t overtake. It’s all pretty much country roads. 

I took Jett and Pix to the beach before we left and Jett went into the water without encouragement! He only went in to his knees but it’s progress!


Ive unpacked and started my washing. The 2 dogs are sleeping. They won’t be happy with me tomorrow when I bath them to get all the sand and the salt out of them! 

I have found a psychiatrist clinic that as room to take me on. I just need a referral. It takes so long to get into a Dr here but I had a call on my way home and they are getting me in earlier! 


Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 honestly how nice is a country drive sometimes ay? 


Ooooh yay!! I can imagine the shivers now, haha classic chihuahua right? 


Omg bath day haha! Do they get very grumpy and make it a painful process? 😅


Oh heck yes, what luck!! Very glad to hear it!! 


Much chillin for you next few days? Except puppy pandemonium I'm guessing? Hehehe

Re: I can’t cope

A country drive is no big deal. Where ever we go is country. @Jynx. There is one road that I drive on to go to work that doesn’t even have centre lines as it’s not wide enough! The main road to work has just been widen to allow the lines on the edge of the road! That’s what living out here is like.


Jett was terrified of the water when we first got there. I encouraged him to get in with treats and he followed Pix a little bit. So walking in on his own today was HUGE!


I have to try and catch Pix for a bath but she is good in it just can be difficult to blow dry. I can catch Jett but he hates the bath! He tries to get out and hangs onto my arm. But he is reasonable good to blow dry. 

I was like ‘hell yeah’ when they asked if I wanted the earlier appointment. At least I can get the referral and my psych will be happy! 

I like one Pdoc but she doesn’t have anything available until May so I’ll check the others. My psych says I need to get in ASAP for a med review as obviously mine aren’t working.


Ive got a lot of housework and mowing to do tomorrow and then I can just chill for a few days. I have my gp appointment Saturday and a psych appointment Tuesday so there is nothing else to do. (After the house is clean!)

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 I must be so used to city living now haha but I learned to drive on roads like that! It was kinda cool, mum liked to show me stuff like 'here's what it feels like to drive on dirt, here's what it's like if your wheel slips off the tarmac, here drive through this big puddle so you know what aquaplaning feels like' which I soooo appreciate now cos like, if you don't know what aquaplaning is, be so easy to panic and lose control!! 


Haha you know the saying, "It's like herding cats"? Maybe it should be "It's like herding chihuahuas at bath time" 🤣


Ooh yes hope your meds get sorted! Be very helpful hey! And I hope the housework doesn't eat up too much of your chillin' time!

Re: I can’t cope

Yeah, I have learnt all that. @Jynx It happens a lot! 

I’ve done some of my housework so there is less to do tomorrow. It’s the baths and lawns that’s going to take the longest! 

How has your day been? 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 Yeah lawns are always soooo intensive!! But I really gotta get into the habit of doing em BEFORE they're at, y'know, waist height 🤣


Day has been alright! Went out for coffee w partner this morning, had some delicious 3-bean soup!! Teehee that's what I call my coffee order, cos it's a soy vanilla latte - three kinds of bean!!

Re: I can’t cope

My lawns take over 2 hours @Jynx. I have a large yard. It’s rained a lot while I was away so they have grown a fair bit.


That’s cute.. Sounds like a really nice morning. I love the 3 bean soup! 

Any plans for the weekend? You’re not on on Saturday night are you?