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Re: Morning has broken

I hope you enjoy the road trip @Eve7 Hopefully it can give you some space and time for yourself.


Sending lots of wishes for a good day today 💕

Re: Morning has broken

Oh dear @Eve7 Saw in the Birthday Thread that it is your Birthday. I hope you are able to have a nice day hon. Sending lots of love and squishy hugs 💗💗

Re: Morning has broken

I hope your birthday wasn't too painful @Eve7  but I guess life in its entirety is just too painful for you right now 😭

Thinking of you and hoping the road trip helps a little. 💛

Re: Morning has broken


 My road trip is going ok. Be still my heart, though shattered into many pieces I am safe.

@Snowie @NatureLover @Emelia8 @tyme @lavenderhaze @creative_writer @Captain24 @Bow @Shaz51 

Re: Morning has broken

Ohh @Eve7 sending you lots of tender hugs my friend 🧡 ❤️❤️

Re: Morning has broken

Lovely photo @Eve7 😊

Thanks for sharing 🙏

So grateful you remain safe 💖

Re: Morning has broken

A beautiful photo @Eve7 Shows just how amazing nature is.


I'm sorry things are so painful hon. Sitting with you 💗💗 

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 sitting with you, sending you lots of love and hugs. Always here for you 🫂💖

Re: Morning has broken

Glad you are safe @Eve7  despite the constant heartbreaking pain. 


Hope the natural beauty around you on this trip helps 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Just leaving some 💕💕 here for you @Eve7 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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