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Re: Nutritional Psychiatry

Hi @SmilingGecko and @RandleMcMurphy ,


This is such an interesting topic! I haven't personally heard of cellfood before, but it sounds like there may be some really beneficial properties in it. I'm wondering what benefits you have personally found from this supplement @SmilingGecko ? 😊


I also just wanted to quickly remind everyone that it's important for us to consult our GPs/physicians regarding any information surrounding nutrition and diets first, to make sure they are right for us - recognising that we all have different health needs. When we are sharing resources, please make sure we refer to the guidelines here too.


Thanks everyone!



Re: Nutritional Psychiatry

Hey @cloudcore its been a miracle supplement for me.  Its been around for decades and is one of the few remedies that have outlasted others and stood the test of time. It has given people significant improvements in health.  I have had relief from chronic fatigue, its lowered my blood pressure and blood sugar.  I have vitality on it when I take it and feel incredible sense of wellbeing. The health circuit is a bit like the wild west but this supplement has done the hard yards with rigid testing & results supplied by public testimony.

Re: Nutritional Psychiatry

Thanks for the info @SmilingGecko 


I don't know.. you are going to have to sell me on this!!


It sounds a bit like Youngevity but with less nutrients..

Developed by "Dr. Joel D. Wallach a biomedical research pioneer, who spent more than 40 years observing and researching the effects of individual nutrients on health."


According to Dr Wallach there are 90 essential nutrients.. now I don't dispute his claim that we need 90 different nutrients.. it is that neither product has anywhere near the RDA for human life.. in fact they give no indication of how much of each nutrient is provided..


The thing I noticed particularly with Cellfood that it is missing the amino acid Leucine.. which is absolutely essential for life.. the human body can't manufacture Leucine.. it has to be ingested..


Not saying anything bad about it.. I am generally up for anything that helps with mental health.. and obviously you have had good results..


I would need to see a lot more detail.. I looked at Dr Wallach's supplements some time ago and didn't proceed simply because they are not up front with its exact contents..

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