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Re: Organic and Natural therepies

hey blackrose, what do you mean exactly by 'no longer suitable for my lifestyle'?

from what I've read, stuff like fishoil, etc might be helpful for some people with mild symptoms but theres no  real evidence any of it works, and can interact badly with other meds too. Lifestyle changes like relaxation, exercise can help a bit too. Hope you find a better GP, there are good ones about. Maybe the prscription can be changed?

Re: Organic and Natural therepies

Hi Morningstar,

Good to hear from you.Smiley Happy

In my experience things like Vit supplements, and fish oil in particular, can be incredibly helpful if that's what you are needing. In fact I found it so helpful in supporting my wellness previously that I am planning to try them (especially fish oil) again now that I am back in a financial situation to afford it.

One of the important things to know about supplements is not only can they interact with meds, but they aren't all equal. "Oils aint' oils" is actually true here. It is worth comparing them and seeing what you are getting for your money. Some fish oil products have very little of things like Omega3 when compared to other products, sometimes - but not always - you get what you pay for. Checking the labels is worthwhile.

You are spot on that lifestyle changes can make a significant difference, either way. Finding our own wellness "recipe" can take lots of trial and error, and - as with prescription meds - may need adjsutment or complete overhaul at times.

Kind regards,


Re: Organic and Natural therepies

No offence, but personally I rely on science not Blackmore's flim-flam 🙂

Re: Organic and Natural therepies

I wouldn't rely on Blackmores either - IMHO they are usually a rip off.


Re: Organic and Natural therepies

Actually fish oil is commonly prescribed in treating ADHD, rather than stimulant medications like Ritalin or concerta. That is not to say medications aren't effective as well, but if a modified diet and fish oils happen to work, then its worth trying.
Ultimately for some of us, this decision we make for ourselves, and for others, it may be a decision we need to make on behalf of a child..

Re: Organic and Natural therepies

I'm not sure particularly for Bipolar,as with this condition there's certain natural things that affect the condition negatively that don't affect people negatively with conditions such as Anxiety,Depression,Schizoaffective Disorder etc.
Like someone mentioned,exercise is better than most of the treatments out there providing you don't have conditions that cause exercise intolerance etc.
Also there's are a few out there and Naturopaths that look at things from a "alternative" angle and could order you tests from Nutripath,for example,but it's very expensive.

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