
Re: Trying makes it worse

Hey @EternalFlower,


I used to struggle on weekends too. I found it so hard because I didn't have the usual supports in place and work to occupy me. 


I spoke to my treating team about it, so we put things in place to help me get through weekends such as scheduling an appointment on Monday so that I would have to get through the weekend in order to make that appointment.


I guess it's about finding what works for you so that you can put things in place.


I'm here if you need a chat,


Re: Trying makes it worse

Hey @tyme 

It is definitely about not having regular professional supports, 

It can be lonely and I get triggered and flashbacks which hit me, hard. I feel really lonely and stuck over these times.

I managed to get into a walking trail today for a bit, and read a bit.

My gp hopefully will call for a telehealth tomorrow 

Re: Trying makes it worse

Yeah, I can hear how difficult it is, especially during the Easter period where a lot of staff go on leave. I also hope you get to hear from your GP tomorrow. Perhaps you can ask if there's any planning you can do over this Easter break to help you get through.


Thinking of you @EternalFlower ,


Re: Trying makes it worse

@tyme it's good to have the heads up about Easter. It is helpful, thank you

I can't paln well currently which makes me feel like things sneak up on me, 

Maybe I will bring my calendar to the hopsital

I don't know when the gp will call tomorrow as he's pretty delayed with telehealth calls sometimes or can other times be punctual. It is a lot to get there, I have been so down this weekend

I need a break and a mental holiday, from my own brain...


Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @EternalFlower 


I'm sorry things are tough for you at the moment. I know it can be really difficult.


I loved @wellwellwellnez  analogy of Spiderman too! Creative, & I like the positivity.


I hope things are ok for you💜

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hey @maddison how are u today? How's Ur night going?

I slept today for 4 hours which is highly unusual for me but have been exhausted from stress and sadness.

I don't have a psych appt this week with Dr but next week back on...feeling trauma attached and wanting to tell him everything

Thanks for checking in

I think I'm going back to hospital at end of week 🙃 


Not applicable

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hey @EternalFlower,

I understand that you where reaching out to another community member but I am hoping you don't mind that I respond. Thank you for sharing your experience and story with the community this evening. I hope that you find the support you are looking for here! 

Thank you


Re: Trying makes it worse

Hey @Former-Member you're welcome to write and I appreciate it!

I'm going to hospital soon and feeling so triggered

It's nice to have ppl to talk to here and feels comforting

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi again @Former-Member @maddison @NatureLover @maddison @wellwellwellnez how's Ur evening? How are u doing coming up to the holidays?

Hope everyone's well.

I'm in hospital and not doing too good.

I was put in a ward for ppl over 65 and I moved to another ward on my request.

It's worse in the new ward and I had a funny feeling moving, it's been disruptive and triggering.

The food is not great and has led me to eating worse than usual, I'm not here to get worse.

I wouldn't say the ppl are too friendly but the nurses are good,

They are quite chill and accepting.

I'm scared it's not working for me here and I was meant to ask them if I can book in reg stays til my suicidal ideation subsides and I feel in the clear.

I have has attempts in the past.

I worry that if this stay is bad or I'm non communicative or enthusiastic they won't want me back

I guess I'm feeling sad and disappointed that hosptial has felt more unsettling than anything else.

Re: Trying makes it worse

Hi @EternalFlower  that sounds like its been tough for you, hospitals can be a tricky place, hopefully things get better for you?  Please look after yourself and speak to one of the nurses if things get worse for you also the option of speaking to lifeline as well. I am sure you know all this but can be a good reminder and reassurance that support is there. please take care as you matter and people care.