
Re: Im at my wits end with my daughter

Thank youi very much Hobbit AND everyone else for the likes and support

Im not real sure how to operate things with likes and messages of support


Anyway my daughter changed her doctors appointment to today so I sent a message making sure she followed up on seeing a psychologist, anyway I got a couple of confusing messages back so I reminded her that  if she made no effort shes out. Getting sorted next week she says......It better be

Hobbit she only sculls she dosnt sit and drink until shes pissed, she will go shopping with mum and slip off to buy something, buy a bottle of spirits scull it then walk around the corner like nothing is going on.

Looks more like a mental rather alcohol problem to me, but how would I know

I think shes buying 275ml bottles because a 700ml bottle put her in intensive care on life support a couple of times (I missed my fathers last fathers day because of this)


Anyway a holiday report......we are staying an extra night maybe 2...will see how things go, the weather had turned a little bit but that dosnt worry us that much


Thank you all




Re: Im at my wits end with my daughter

Hi @olmate 

Good to hear she is going next week. Take it "a day at a time" as they say.

Keep us all posted if you can. Remember, you can unload here anytime you like!!

NOW you're priority is to....enjoy your holiday!!

Take care,



Re: Im at my wits end with my daughter

Well we had a change of plan, my wife decided we should come home as our daughter was going to see her boyfriend which involves getting the train

To cut a long story short I got a phone call from Dandenong Hospital saying she was found at the station unconscious (pissed)and an they called the ambulance (3 times in 3 weeks)


So where do i go from here


Its well and truly gone to far,do I have any rights as a parent as to what can be done


Surly there must be something that can be done or do we just sit back and wait for the inevitable to happen......IT WILL HAPPEN


Im stuffed if I know......If she was in a house fire Im sure Id be allowed to help


Re: Im at my wits end with my daughter

im a bit confused as to why the hostital is not getting her assessed and put through as an involuntary patient ,my daughter went to hospital went into psych ward as a voluntary patient but when she felt well and wanted to go home they said ok you can go because your a voluntary patient but if you try to leave we will reclassify you as involuntary and put you in the lock down,, ,,,am i going nuts.if ambo have been called three times and take her to the same hosp why on earth are they not listening to her very clear cries for help

Re: Im at my wits end with my daughter

Hi @olmate 


I don't think we've crossed paths before 🙂


 I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your daughter and that your time away was cut short.

May I ask what your daughter's boyfriend is like & how he feels about her drinking?



Re: Im at my wits end with my daughter

Hello NikNik

You ask about her boyfriend....mmm....Iv only met him a couple of times, hes 27 a hard worker that had drug problems previously- I dont know what drugs or anything

He seems a genuine sort of a bloke and i like him except for the brow and lip ring

Hes very concerned about the situation and has said hes not going to give up easily about getting her right- time will tell i suppose- He says he wants to go to the doctor with her next visit to make sure the doctor is aware of whats been happening- He has said in front of my wife and daughter that he doesnt like the drinking or drunk ............(daughters name)

So on face value I believe if he sticks it out he will be good for her


Thanks for your reply NikNik

Re: Im at my wits end with my daughter

Hi again annie1268


Its been 2 times at Dandenong and at another hospital in the last 3 weeks all by ambulance


I have asked the nurses at Dandenong to not let her out because it takes me an hour to get there but was told on both occasions she is free to leave whenever she wants, i told them if she tries to leave tell her that they are conducting more tests and she needs to wait until they are done


The thing that amazes me is if they let her out the first thing I will do is go to the police then they will have to waste their resources unnecessarily to find her then most likely take her back to hospital     : smileymad:

Is a hospital allowed to let a person leave on their own that has been brought in unconscious by ambulance. I would have thought that a person would have to have been sober or picked up before they were allowed to leave


Thats the trouble with the world we live in, the people that make the rules DON'T have a clue

They think we ALL have the rose colored glasses they have....Smiley Mad


annie1268-RE one of your posts -: trying my hardest not to explode as the sign on the wall says agressive behaviour will not be tollerated

If i start shaking and the eyes glaze over.....shes all over.......the way you were treated all hell would have broke loose....Smiley Embarassed


I dont seem to have many inbetween emotions


thanks annie1268....all the best


Re: Im at my wits end with my daughter

Hey @olmate

Thanks for the response. Well that's great that her bf is not supporting her drinking. While you don't want your daughter feeling ganged up on, or as if people are talking behind her back, is there a way to keep in close communications with him - he sounds like he could be a good influence and perhaps give you information about what happens at the doctor etc. Could you invite him over for dinner once a week with your daughter there too?

Just a thought...

Re: Im at my wits end with my daughter

Hello Nik


We have a communication line with him that she doesnt know about


As for coming over for dinner...mmmmm....Hes been camping here on weekends which totally goes against my grain......we let this happen hoping she might feel a bit more mature and feel a lot happier about herself


Thanks NikNik

Re: Im at my wits end with my daughter

& does having him there help?

How are you doing? It sounds like a lot to manage. You have just come back from a trip away, right back into the middle of it all, by the sounds of it.