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Looking after ourselves

Re: Support for L-B

Good suggestion @Oaktree, I had managed well for another week and then anxiety started up as the workload increased and confidence started to drop, telling myself I can't do it. Just going to focus on getting through this afternoon now.


Re: Support for L-B

I don’t want to trivialise anxiety but it’s mind over matter. Maybe start listening to podcasts that work on confidence? 

Re: Support for L-B

Hi @L-B 


Well thats 1 day down  and only 3 more to go.  How have ye been these past few days.  Its all about getting back into the routine again, it might be boring or even a little stressy, but you are doing and you are doing it your way.  So good on ye........Asgard

Re: Support for L-B

We KNOW you can do it @L-B ! We are all cheering you on here @Asgard @Oaktree @PeppyPatti @Ainjoule .


@L-B , look at how far you have come already!

Re: Support for L-B

Hey @L-B , good on you for breaking down the task at hand to just the afternoon! There will be ups and downs, but we believe in you.

Re: Support for L-B

Good message @Oaktree 


That seems less or something ide think about ? 

Atm- the sun is out - that's nice 🙂 



Re: Support for L-B

What sun @PeppyPatti ??? Give me some!

Re: Support for L-B

Another day down @L-B ! How's this fine day going for you?

Re: Support for L-B

I wish I could say otherwise @tyme but I am not coping well with work. 

Re: Support for L-B

That's okay. You've had some good days to balance it out. Take it one step at a time. 


We are all here behind you and cheering you on!


Remember, recovery is not linear and upwards. It has a mind of its own at times and likes to take us back a few steps before we can have a clearer direction about moving forward. @L-B 



Illustration of people sitting and standing

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