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Hi, I'm Lechuck :)

I've been dipping my toes into the forums the past few days and really enjoying it. I thought I'd post a little about myself for anyone who wants some background.


I'm LeChuck, I have bipolar 2 and it's been a hard road. I was diagnosed at 17 and haven't been stable for more than 18 months in the last ten years. I think that's a pretty common story and a lot of you can probably relate to it. It's hard to build a life when your world is razed to the ground by mental illness on a regular basis. But that's what I'm doing anyway. I'm studying for my dream career, have managed to find a wonderful partner, and some amazing friends. Bipolar life is absolute turds but it can be ok. You just have to try and build a little more than you lose each time. 2 steps forwards, and then only one back. Anyway, that's me in an optimistic moment. Glad this opportunity exists to connect with others who have mental health struggles, it's been gr8 so far 😄 

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Re: Hi, I'm Lechuck :)

hey @LeChuck, Welcome to the forums! It's nice to hear that you're enjoying yourself. I'm one of the peer moderators here. it's nice to meet you! 


Thank you for sharing your story with us. It sounds like, despite the challenges and narratives around MH, you've stayed true to yourself as an optimist!! What's your dream career? I'd love to hear, if you're comfy and feel it won't compromise your anonymity ❤️  

Re: Hi, I'm Lechuck :)

Hi @LeChuck,

Nice to `meet' you. My name is FloatingFeather and I am one of the peer support workers at SANE.

I just finished reading your post and wanted to say that I think you are inspiring. A close family member of mine was diagnosed with bipolar 1 many years ago so I know somewhat the rollercoaster ride that bipolar can be. I also know how difficult it can be around being stable and how hard bipolar can be to manage. 

How good is that you are working towards your dream career, have some wonderful friends, and an amazing partner. So happy for you!

I also really like your optimistic and can-do attitude. Sharing your feelings and lived experience around bipolar may be so helpful to many people that read your post. It may surprise you to know that for those that respond to posts there are probably hundreds that read the posts on the forums and don't reply but your words can still impact them.

Thank you for sharing part of your story - I'm sure it will be very helpful for many.

Warm wishes,


Re: Hi, I'm Lechuck :)

@Former-Member I'm going to be a landscaper! It's been a winding road through engineering and science but finally landed on something totally different and I love it 😁

Re: Hi, I'm Lechuck :)

Hi @LeChuck ,

That's awesome. Sounds like you're super keen for the new career path. My husband used to be a landscaper and loved it. 

Best wishes


Re: Hi, I'm Lechuck :)



Thank you so much! That means a lot. It can be hard to accept with mental health problems that your life might look a bit different to other people's, mine certainly does, but it's still a great life, which is what I'm trying to ficus on now ☺️

Re: Hi, I'm Lechuck :)



Thanks hanami! Very excited for it 😄

Re: Hi, I'm Lechuck :)



Don't get me wrong when I say life is great, there are plenty of big struggles- I'm spending 3-6 days in hospital each month,  not working because I can't find something with the flexibility I need (no retail therapy for LeChuck right now!), and I'm having a depressive episode where sobriety is a daily battle. I just mean I'm trying to focus on the good things that I do have. Which is hard but I'm getting there 🙂

Re: Hi, I'm Lechuck :)

I get what you mean @LeChuck - from the things you have written you remind me of my family member a bit. Despite the challenges (and they can be really hard challenges) you are trying to make the best of it and see the positives (please correct me if I am interpreting your words wrong). Yet in-spite of the obstacles that are being thrown your way; the one step forward, two step backwards road that bipolar can be you keep pushing forward. I get somewhat how hard and challenging things can get but just knowing what my own family member has gone through over the last 20 years (he is one of the most amazing people I know) I think you focusing on the good stuff and doing your best to focus on that speaks a lot about you. I really wish you well and hope the big struggles aren't too hard and the good things in your life are great! 🙂

Re: Hi, I'm Lechuck :)

Thanks @FloatingFeather , the warmth from you guys this morning has really turned my day around. Thanks again and hope you are doing ok too!

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