
Re: Support for L-B


Re: Support for L-B

Heya @L-B ,


What's happening on your end? Any specific plans to help you manage this week?

Re: Support for L-B

Hey @tyme , been a little isolated and worried about the working week. Unfortunately, I had a few more nightmares about work.

Strategies: spoke to work about extra support where practical which they'll try. If that doesn't work they've agreed to allow me to reduce my work hours temporarily. 

Re: Support for L-B

Hey @L-B ,


Good on you for advocating for yourself. I'm glad they were open to supporting you.


I'm thinking of you and will continue to cheer you on 🙂

Re: Support for L-B

Thankyou. It was getting support that prompted me to speak up. Credit to them too. Even though they don't understand mental illness that well. 

Re: Support for L-B

Sounds like you are in a good place @L-B 


We are here for you.

Re: Support for L-B

Strength in numbers!

Re: Support for L-B

Yes. Or even... just to know you are not battling this alone, and it's something many of us have faced before.


In the past, I had a terrible MH dip, and my workplace wasn't supportive at all. It was about 6 years ago. I was pretty much told not to talk about it because the work still needed to be done. I left the manager's office and I was devastated....


I think there is more of an understanding of MH now, especially since COVID. Of course, this workplace I'm talking about wasn't SANE. 


SANE is amazing. @L-B 


I'm so glad you have a somewhat supportive workplace. 

Re: Support for L-B

@tyme I'm sorry you had to experience that devastation. Very sad. Your story has a silver lining at Sane which is heartening. And brings comfort re: my supportive supervisor. I'll just need to put aside any unnecessary shame and take time off if needed. And I take strength from these chats in not being alone. You're a good person!

Re: Support for L-B



I am here supporting you too. I just don’t pipe up much. I have taken a special interest in this thread since it began. I am glad that your supervisor is being supportive.