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Re: Share a cuppa?

That bit of rain here in Sydney was a little insistent, wasn't it @Spirit_Healer ? 

I had some flooding at the back of the house, but it didn't seep through 🙂

Hope things are all good where you are now xx

Re: Share a cuppa?

Ohh @Former-Member , you got a high or low house 

Hope you and @Patches59 are OK xx 

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Re: Share a cuppa?

sounds like the nice soft good for plants rain youre having there @Patches59 🙂 

I hope your day went well? xx

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Thanks for asking @Shaz51  💜🙂

my place is on a sloping block, so the back is lower than the land, and this is the issue with that bit, otherwise it then runs around and off the front. I dont think the house would flood, because it is higher than the road at the front a bit 🙂 xx

Re: Share a cuppa?

Yes it was, @Former-Member ! It's raining here now too, although not as much as Sydney a few days ago. Rain isn't all bad though, the mints and rocket from the garden taste better afterwards

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Re: Share a cuppa?

Im glad its the helpful rain, making things grown in the garden even tastier @Spirit_Healer 😍💜

Re: Share a cuppa?

Unexpected turn of events few hours ago @Former-Member @Shaz51 

I work as one of team of volunteers at a cat rescue and rehab centre not far from me.  One beautiful ginger we recently rescued from death row at a pound isnt himself and hasn’t been for few days.  Went to the centre to see for myself what his symptoms are …. Quite sore when touch part of his back and is very clingy.  He is normally out going and very talkie.  I have volunteered to drive him to the vet tomorrow

Re: Share a cuppa?

Ohhh pour little ginger cat 🐈 @Patches59 

Hope he will be OK xxxx

Will be thinking of you lots 💖 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Thanks @Shaz51   
Im hoping it isnt anything major


currently raining quite heavy with radar showing lots more rain to come.

12 degrees outside.  Damn it’s cold.  Thinking early bed soon. 

due to play croquet in the morning.  
last week was cancelled due to the rain


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Re: Share a cuppa?

Aw, poor kitty sounds very sore @Patches59 💜😔

I’m  sorry to hear that. Sounds upsetting to see him that way - are you ok? 🫂🌺💜

All the best for taking him to the vet later on - feel free to update how you go if you’d like to 💜🙂🌺