
Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 , I think you'll be at work now (7.20am Monday morning) but I hope it goes better than you think and your boss doesn't trigger you too badly 🤞

On those days when all you did was get up out of bed - well done. I've known many days when I couldn't even do that. 


Thinking of you and sending wishes...

Re: I can’t cope

I managed to get through the day. I walked past my boss quickly and just did the whole nod and smile and kept walking. The rest of the day I wasn’t anywhere near him. 

I’m not feeling well. I have severe chest pain. I have indigestion which I never had an issue with before. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m 35 days cigarette free, the cold turkey with my meds, eating disorder, age or just something else to make me miserable. 

I’ve done something that I shouldn’t have. It’s all too much tonight 


Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 aww hun, that sounds so intense! Chest pains can be scary, as well as how painful. You're sure it's heartburn? Could it be worth chatting to Nurse On Call or something? 


I am sorry things are so rough for you tonight. Please be gentle with yourself hun, and reach out to a crisis line if things get too overwhelming. Sending hugs 🫂

Re: I can’t cope

I don’t know what it is @Jynx. Just that it’s been pretty painful all day. I’m in bed now. I’m feeling really really tired. Really drained. But I guess I haven’t been out of bed for days. 


Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 I hope it abates soon, and I'd definitely encourage you to seek medical attention if it gets any worse. 


Yeah sometimes, alas, we can overdo it if we spend too much time in bed. You'd think it would help us to feel more rested, not more tired. It sucks hey. 

Re: I can’t cope

Thanks @Jynx. Im just laying here hoping it eases. I guess if it hangs around I might get it checked out. It’s just so hard to get into a dr and I have to work again tomorrow. Plus it’ll just get brushed off like everything else. 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 You got some antacids or anything? Could be worth grabbing. And if it does worsen or you're concerned it's more serious than heartburn, the emergency dept. is always an option - much quicker than waiting for a dr appt! I do know how frustrating it is to be brushed off, too. Even when it's because 'there's nothing wrong' - which should provide relief, but can result in feeling even more frustrated cos it's like "then why am I experiencing this pain/discomfort?"


I hope you can get off to sleep okay even with the pain, and I hope tomorrow is easier on you. I am logging off soon so I will send you one last huggle 🫂 and a big pile o love 💜

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 , I'm concerned about your severe chest pain - how is it today? (You will be at work now, I think)


I'm glad you managed to avoid your boss yesterday and hope it continues... 🤞

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24  hope you’re doing ok? Sounds like you had a lot going on yesterday. 

Re: I can’t cope

Thanks for checking in @NatureLover @Bow.


I still have the chest pain and indigestion but it doesn’t seem quite as bad. I think I’m overreacting. It’s my own fault as I haven’t been very kind to my body. ED issues, cold turkey meds, a failed attempt, the list goes on. 

I still have so many urges so I don’t think it’s going to get better anytime soon

I hope you are both doing ok today.