
Re: I can’t cope

Yeah.. I made sure I dried her off and gave her some love… well.. maybe a lot of love! @Jynx 


It was 1 year ago that she hurt it and has been doing so well since. @tyme 


Jett is doing well after his but I do think he will need more surgery down the track.


Im just sitting in a separate room from them. Their tv is so loud that I can’t actually watch anything. 

They just niggle at each other. They can’t agree on anything. 

Re: I can’t cope

I shouldn't laugh, but I am @Captain24 .


I can just imagine mature aged people just niggling at each other all the time. Yet they prob don't know any better. Seriously, if they've survived being together for this long, then it must work for them. 


It reminds me of when I go to see my parents. They do things that irritate me SOOOO much! Yet I appease myself by self-talking... telling myself that I won't be staying there for very long so suck it up!


I've told you about my elder sister, right? She and her hubby argue and are at each other ALL THE TIME. I get so irritated that I walk off. They don't hate each other, but that's how they survive. One says it's blue, the other will say it's a shade of grey. If one says it's a shade of grey, the other will say it's feint black.... 


And yet, the earth continues to spin on it's axis.... nothing changes.

Re: I can’t cope

It would be funny from the outside. @tyme.


Just stupid stuff. We were about 100 metres from the beach and dad randomly goes ‘Guess who’ mum and I had no idea what he meant. He thought he saw someone from home. Mum just turned and said ‘don’t be so stupid’ 


Im here for a holiday so while we are out I will just focus on what is going on in the world not my parents world. I know there will come a time that I will miss this but it’s so hard. Plus on top of it all I’m making myself irritable because I don’t have any smokes. 


The thing is, I actually don’t think they like each other anymore. They use to have pet names for each other and now they don’t call each other anything. But then when dad had his gall bladder remove mum stayed over there with him. I don’t get it

Re: I can’t cope

Love hate relationship?




Whatever you want to call them. 


It sounds like they are so comfy with each other that they are pretty much just bro and sis and say what they like to each other. Gone are the days when they had to appease each other in order to stay together lol.


And yes, no smokes? Hence the irritability. YOU CAN DO IT! Isn't there this med that you can take so that if you do smoke, it tastes gross? Is that an option?


BTW, good on you for joining the PGC tonight! Loved having you.

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24 

Just catching up on what's been happening.


I hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly and you are actually able to enjoy your time away.


Re: I can’t cope

I don’t know what they are @tyme other than hard to be around! Today has been okish. There has been nastiness to each other and have dragged me into it. I just ignored it. 

The is a drug that helps @tyme but its script only and I don’t see a doctor for another 3 weeks or so. I’m meeting him for the first time so it could be very nerve wracking. 

I have done a lot of shopping today @Snowie. I’ve bought so crafty things to try and see if I like them for something different. Plus another Lego set. Like I really need another one! 

I can’t go to the beach for a swim, I use it as my space, it’s raining and cold. We will walk the dogs down there soon though. 

How have your days been? 

Re: I can’t cope

oh @Captain24 you can never have too much lego. The more the merrier I say!!

I hope you like the crafty purchases, something new to try.

It's hard when you get dragged into things. It's good that you can distance yourself a bit from it.

Hopefully the rain stops enough that you can take the dogs for a walk.


Day here been ok. Had ect this morning so back to the hospital.

Re: I can’t cope

I think I got 5 different things. @Snowie Im eager to try some but some of them are expensive if I like them and get into them. I’m pretty sure my Bunnings wouldn’t have the stuff anyway. 

Im hoping I’m seeing enough this time that I can cope with it. Even making decisions is hard. They both put all decisions onto me and then say that they don’t like it. 

How is ECT? Does it make you tired or anything? 

Re: I can’t cope

Well hopefully you like some of the things you got @Captain24 

If it helps you mentally and physically than it might just be worth it.


That must be difficult with the decisions. It's hard when it's all put onto your shoulders. I hope you can get some timeout from that.


ECT went ok. I recover well from it and rarely have any side effects. I'm glad I can do it as an outpatient so I can be at home, but at the same time I feel bad for hubby who has to practically give up his day to drop me off, wait around and pick me up. It's over a 2 hour round trip so not exactly close by. Also affects the kids too. So everyone is put out just because of me.


Re: I can’t cope

hey @Captain24 sounds like you got some retail therapy in, isn't buying new craft stuff kind of fun? (until you look at your bank acc...😅