
Re: I can’t cope

Jett had his birthday party today 





Re: I can’t cope



How do you not die every day from all that concentrated cute aggression?! 


What a happy lil pup!! This has brought me so much joy 😍

Re: I can’t cope

The beach this afternoon and early this morning. 








Re: I can’t cope

It was pretty cute. @Jynx.


Oh I get the cuteness aggression. I didn’t know it was a thing. 

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 THERE'S MORE, EEEEEE 😍😍


Aww so glad you got to celebrate your wonderful pup in such a wonderful way!!


Yeah it's so interesting hey! It's like our brains can't handle that much cute and we snap a little bit 🤣 And I bet Jett knows it too!! Trixie and Razz certainly seem to 😹


Glad I got to see your pics before I log off!! I hope your parentals are being tolerable and that you get to feel the sand in your toes as much as possible!! Catch you next week lovely one 💜

Re: I can’t cope

Oh oh @Captain24 I had to come back super quick cos I just thought of something.... in those first few photos, Jett's having PUPCAKES!! 


Oh no I might die of this cuteness overload!! Not a bad way to go... 😂


Okay I'm off for realsies this time! Huuuugs!! 😊💜

Re: I can’t cope

oh @Captain24 haven't seen those photos till just now. I think they are going to make my day.

It certainly is cuteness overload. They are both just adorable.

I'm so glad you had a good time yesterday, making new memories. Jett certainly looked spoilt on his 1st Birthday.

I hope today goes just as well too.

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Snowie 


How are you going? 

We are having a reasonably good time. The dogs are enjoying themselves. I’m about to go for a big walk. Hopefully I can get decent photos. 


Re: I can’t cope

I'm ok thanks @Captain24 

Went out with some friends last night for dinner which was nice. Up early this morning taking S to work.


I hope your walk goes well and you get some really nice photos! Glad to hear things are going ok. Are you coming home later today or tomorrow?


Re: I can’t cope

I’m glad it was nice to go out @Snowie.


I went on my bush walk. It was awesome. It was a few kms long and then you’d come out of the bush into water front. It was just beautiful. This walk goes from one end of the bay to the other end. It’s 27km all up. I’m just going to try and do it in sections. 

I go home on Thursday. Mum and dad have started fighting. It’s really bad when they fight. They involve me and it’s like walking on eggshells. Dad has already told me that I don’t need to do anymore of the walk. But I am going too.