
Re: I can’t cope

Hi @Captain24, I'm sorry you're feeling this way.  I was very similar earlier in the year.  I tried finding things to do to distract myself but it only just dulled that feeling temporarily.  For me, I had to completely re-evaluate my life and what I wanted to do with it.  I tired to find things that felt more important to me now,  things that i qoukd have never rhought of before.  It took a bit of experimentation but a lot of just purting myself out there and connecting with other people to start to get an idea of what this direction was.


My lowest point hit in December last year, and I'm only just now starting to find that way foward.  While also just starting to finally work on a lot of those issues that have been haunting me my whole life.


So try to remember you're not a failure.  We try to do the best we can with the hand we are dealt in life and a lot of the time, its far from easy, especially with not much support around us and a lot of time to just think while we stare off into space.  For me, at that point i was my own worst enemy... the constant thoughts of how useless i was and how life just seemed to be a pointless grind.


It was atcthis point I, very slowly, started to think I needed to work out what I could change and focus on that.  I still have a lot of bad days, but im in a far better place that I was earlier this year.  It just started with trying so hard to stop listening to all those self doubts that dominated my thoughts for so long... inbetween all those temporary distractions.


So I feel like i do understand where you are at the moment enough to just remind you that you're not a failure, you are something,and things can get better.  It just takes time and some support.

Re: I can’t cope

I haven’t been out of my pj’s for 2 days @Bow. I’ve put home and away on as I haven’t watched it so I’m behind. 

I haven’t showered for 2 days. All my warning signs are there but my go to strategies I’ve tried or feel too hard. 

I have an appointment with my psych on Tuesday and I feel like I’m failing her. I’ve even tried being positive but that’s not working either. I’m sliding down a slippery slope. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hi @MJG017 


Ive been here before and I’ve been worse. I was in hospital in August as I was in crisis. I’m not that bad at the moment. 

Things have improved I’m just hoping that this is a bump. But right now it feels like a big bump that I’m not sure where it’s headed. 

I have looked at my life and have made minor changes which has helped. 

I feel like I have turned a positive corner since being out of hospital but just not in the last couple of days. 

Thanks for reminding me I’m not a failure that I’m just struggling right now. I just now need to try and believe it. 

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I appreciate it

Re: I can’t cope

Tonight is getting harder and harder. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 ,


What's happening for you?


How'd you go today?

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @tyme 


You’re here late. 

I feel like I'm sinking into that deep hole and I can’t stop it. 


I’ve done diamond art, Lego, resin and polymer clay. I’ve tried so hard.


I haven’t gotten out of my pyjamas for 2 days and I have t had a shower.


All the warning signs are there and I can’t stop them.

Im scared.  



Re: I can’t cope

Yes, I'm not supposed to be on, but I thought I'd pop by @Captain24 


How about we make an agreement. You go and have a quick shower and then message me when you are done?


We can chat then?

Re: I can’t cope

Ok @tyme.

Re: I can’t cope

I do know that struggle of not believing those positives we hear about ourselves @Captain24.  Its so hard to accept sometimes.  It sounds like you're having one of them now and it seems like quite a bad one.  Is there anything in particulr that has you so upset right now, or is it just all a bit overwhelming tonight? 


Do you have any plan in place for times like this to stop it spiraling too far down?  We're here with you if you need it right now and more than willing to listen and support you however we can.


Try to focus on the positive changes you've already made and those times inbetween these bumps... even the big ones.... its still just a bump.  Focus on those improvements you've made and the ones you will make.  Think in terms of your progress since leaving hospital,  and not just the past few days.

Re: I can’t cope

I’ve had a mindful shower, put on clean pj’s and brushed my teeth and hair @tyme 


I at least feel clean.