
Re: Morning has broken

Thinking of you @Eve7 ...hoping you will be safe while visiting your mum 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Good morning my dear @Eve7 

No doubt you are back in hospital. I hope the weekend with your Mum went well.

Sending lots of love hon 💕💕

Re: Morning has broken

  • Good morning @Snowie I really hope this week is better for you.

My mum is ok, she just looks frail and has an ashen grey colour. As my sister says…she could go soon or still be here in another 5 years. She seems happy enough and is quite content just to have me sit with her and watch Vera together.


Lots of love 🩵🩵🩵

Re: Morning has broken

Glad the weekend went well with your mum @Eve7 

Even just sitting with her and watching tv is quality time together.


Pdoc wants me to keep having monthly ect sessions.

Re: Morning has broken

It was quality time with mum @Snowie . 

We can keep being ECT buddies. I’m having it 3x a week for 4-6 weeks but I’m hoping to be discharged before that. I couldn’t stay here 6 weeks.


Do you have any plans for this afternoon? I’m trying to go to groups.

Re: Morning has broken

Glad to hear @Eve7 


6 weeks is a long time to be in hospital for. I guess it depends on how easy/hard it is to get to the hospital to do ECT. I live over an hour away from where I have ECT, so doing it 3 times per week as an outpatient is impossible. At least with once every 4 weeks, it is much more manageable.


No plans for this afternoon. Cold, wet and windy here so defiantly staying inside on the couch. Have my blanket and heater on so all set!


Do they have a good selection of groups to go to?

Re: Morning has broken

I hope I’m here 4 weeks at the most @Snowie and that is all the ECT I’ll need.


The groups run on a 3 week cycle plus there’s gym, art and pet therapy. Today’s group was about “fear” which didn’t sit well with me but they’re all different and some better than the others depending on facilitators and participants. I spent most of last week keeping to myself in my room but going to groups means I meet the other patients.


It’s quite warm here today.

Re: Morning has broken

Hopefully 4 weeks is enough @Eve7 


Ohh never heard of gym or pet therapy. We had art therapy(which was always popular) plus other groups run. Various topics.


It's good that you can pick and choose what to go to hon instead of them being compulsory.

I can understand keeping to yourself. I mostly do that when I've been admitted.


Well done for getting out of your room. That can be quite hard at times. Hopefully the people you are meeting are nice. 


Warm sounds nice. Have you got an outdoor area that you can go and sit at?

Re: Morning has broken

There are some sunny spots  @Snowie I’m a just wanting to stay inside for now as it feels safer.


Ive met some nice people too and one lady gave me a hug that felt ok and didn’t make me want to freeze.


The groups aren’t compulsory but you are expected to attend when you can. I saw pdoc today and she was pleased with how I managed the weekend so maybe I’m doing better than I think.


Whats on your menu tonight?

Re: Morning has broken

If it feels safer inside than that is fine @Eve7 

You should be proud of yourself for the weekend hon. It shows a lot of strength. No doubt your pdoc was happy with you.


Glad you have met some nice people. At least it might be someone you can sit down with and have a meal or a cuppa. Not sure about the hug, I am a big non hugger (except for hubby and the kids)! Always freeze too.


Tea tonight is fried rice and steak in a nice sauce. My mum used to make it when I was a kid, now I make it for my kids. Out of a very old recipe book!


How is the food there? At least you don't have to cook.