
Re: Morning has broken

Oh @Eve7  I don't see you as a failure, and nor should you. Quite the opposite in fact. A lesser person would have given up, with all that life has thrown at you ... but not you.

You are a true inspiration @Eve7 . Far stronger and more worthy of admiration than you ever give yourself credit for.  Please try to believe that. Chin up my friend, you will get through this. ❤️

Re: Morning has broken

Thank you @Emelia8 @Bow 

Re: Morning has broken

Dear @Eve7 , you're not a're suffering intensely. 


My heart goes out to you.


Sending lots of care and 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Good morning dear @Eve7  wondering how you are this morning? 

Re: Morning has broken

Thanks @Bow @NatureLover . It was a very long night in a not very nice place. Now, I can either go home as there are no beds in the public hospital or stay where I am in what is, essentially, a lock up until I become a bit more stable and can be admitted to the private hospital.


I think I'll just go home if the pdoc will sign off the paperwork. This is getting too complicated but my head is in a better space than last night.

Re: Morning has broken

Urgh being in the ED waiting for an appropriate bed is so frustrating @Eve7 especially when you are so fragile and not in a good place. 

im glad that your head is in a better place than last night, is there the option for a short stay for a bit? Maybe it would be helpful? 

Re: Morning has broken

They’ve found a bed @Bow and they want me to start ECT on Monday. The private hospital wouldn’t take me. I won’t elaborate.

Re: Morning has broken

Do what is right for you @Eve7 

Here with you through all of this 💌💌

Re: Morning has broken

Here with you @Eve7  i know it’s a hard decision to make. 💕

Re: Morning has broken

Hugs @Eve7 . I'm so sorry it's incredibly difficult for you right now.


Here for you.