
Re: Not Coping

@Blackbird11 love this, thank you 😊 🫂❤️

Re: Not Coping

@creative_writer thank you 🫂 

I'm going well for now. How are things for you? ❤️💐

Re: Not Coping

You got this @ENKELI 🥰 🫂 💓

Not applicable

Re: Not Coping

Hey there @Birdofparadise8  🌺🙂 I’m glad the chat went well on sunday evening - sorry I wasn’t there.. I’ve had a few doc appointments to get to, and a bit of driving. 
I always forget it’s on! I’ll try to remember for this Sunday. 
I hope study is going well? 

the bloods are for monitoring of immune loss of function, chronic kidney disease, and bone marrow markers of change/autoantibodies, mostly. 
scans are checking for bone changes related to problematic stem cells that are a bit naughty and don’t like being nice to bone tissue. 

how are you doing today? I hope the call from KHL was helpful 🌺🙂

Re: Not Coping

Aww, that's just what I needed right now, thank you. @Blackbird11 

You are telling me too @ENKELI. I want Sunday to come so my two assignments are done. This group work and managing everyone is very exhausting. 

That's cool. What was it for?

Yay, I will be. Tag me, and I will come flying, hahaha.

Hi @Former-Member, all good. You have got to look after yourself as well. 

What is wrong with your stem cells? 

@ENKELI @Blackbird11 @Former-Member 

KHL was good. I had uni and saw my psych today. It was interesting he keeps asking me what we are working on. He also talked about how my mood stabiliser could be affecting things and to see if I could come down a dose, so I will ask my GP on Friday. 

We talked about how I was sad over the weekend because of the reminders of Granny. We also talked about loneliness and how my main connection is KHL, himself, here and elsewhere. I don't have many friends, only the brunch group and that one guy. It's not the quantity he is getting at; I think it's more the quality and me being able to be open to them and share things, but that's very hard when I haven't known them for very long. It's about being connected. He says therapy isn't the real world the relationship will stay the same. I don't think there is anything wrong with me being connected to him. If I wasn't, the therapeutic relationship wouldn't work. 

Psych increased the fee to $220 now. I hope my mum won't mind. I don't know how I would go about not seeing him weekly at the moment. I thought he was going to bring it up again about changing frequency. I still believe in the list of things to work on from last week. He feels like we are hitting a brick wall or something, as before I started the mood stabiliser, I was severely depressed but actually feeling things where he can tell I can't quite pinpoint what I am feeling in session, a blunting effect, so to speak. 

He is also worried about how I will cope since uni finishes this week, and I am off until the 29th of July. I hadn't really thought about it since I've been so busy with uni, but that will be a long time with no work and uni. I have exams until the 14th of June. However, hopefully, I will have a job by then 

I am currently working on the research proposal, so I hope to get the rest of the group members' contributions in a couple of days. 

Sorry for the long spill. 

Have you three had a good day? 

Re: Not Coping

Thank you so much @ENKELI  😇

People who have never experienced depression, anxiety and trauma have no idea and it’s exhausting trying to explain.

Their well meaning suggestions make me feel like a loser.

They aren’t suggesting anything I haven’t tried.

You sharing your experience is very validating for me and very much needed.

Big hugs G

Re: Not Coping

That's a lot to process and think about @Birdofparadise8 


I just had work and I said a stupid thing... now I'm bashing myself up for it. Just watching the sun set...


Re: Not Coping

Yes, so much @Blackbird11 

I have no clue. 

Oh no, how bad was it? 

I hope the sunset is nice, at least. 

Re: Not Coping

I just found out my roommate invited my other roommate to her friend group, so now I am even more left out. 



Re: Not Coping

@ENKELI I feel shattered. I hope today was kind to you 💖