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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Supported accommodation

I lost my s***t the other day. I did post it here. 2 days later my support worker visits me at home. I told her I needed to move as I couldn't live with a housemate anymore. We chatted and did some 'mapping' and the housemate came out and 'started' like? I said to the SW I have to move or I will get into trouble and probably 'clock' the housemate. In saying that? I'm not bad tempered by nature. I dont go around picking arguements or fights with others. I am easy going. I mean? my daughter watches boils being burst on youtube and I dont have the stomach for it. I cant watch horror or murder films or anything that harms children. SW says 'let me see if I can get emergency housing' for you. Then she says later " I think you should go to supported accommodation".

What started off as a 'wanting' to move because of a housemate. Turned into...supported accommodation. We filled out the form together. I did not realise I was struggling to live in the home. You know the form asks lots of questions about what you do in your home. It asks about support networks. It asks for diagnosis  and medical history. Its a 1 year stay with 24/7 support  system. It assists you to plan and move into independent living.

I feel dissappointed in myself for not managing my health. It feels like the 'revolving' door syndrome. I feel 'hope' that it will assist me to feel better. I've felt that before in hospital and left feeling confused. I think 'why not tell me' how I have been managing? Children are not the only one's who need inspiration and to know they have acheived? Ohh...sometimes I dont get family says 'you overthink'...stop thinking...really? what else do I have?? 😞

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Re: Supported accommodation

Hi @Neelix
It sounds like your housemate is just being difficult... I'm glad your social worker is being supportive in helping to find an alternative but it sounds like the idea of 'supported accommodation' was kind of sprung on you! Im not quite sure what it means, do you feel as though there will be some benefit for you from it? I hope that it is something that will help, and might be the next step needed to help you recover?
Hope your day has been ok,

Re: Supported accommodation

Hi @Former-Member....yes it was sprung on me. It is a bit cloudy for me today but I will think a little more on it tomorrow.
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