17-03-2025 08:31 PM
17-03-2025 08:31 PM
Pix is wide awake and jumping around. Last night I wasn’t even sure she would still be here.
18-03-2025 12:28 PM
18-03-2025 12:28 PM
Awwww @Captain24 . I'm so pleased to hear that Pix is okay. I was so worried. She sounded really really unwell. You must've been so stressed. Hope you are okay.
I'm technically not 'online', but I wanted to pass through to let you know that I won't see you until Sunday evening if you are free. I'm on leave (I just checked). And this will be the same for next week. So I won't be working during the weekdays for 2 weeks (forced leave...lol)
Please take care. I'll see you around if I pop in at all. Otherwise, I'll see you on the weekends.
I'll miss ya.
18-03-2025 12:56 PM - edited 18-03-2025 03:47 PM
18-03-2025 12:56 PM - edited 18-03-2025 03:47 PM
Hey @tyme
Pix is even better today. Such a relief.
Thanks for the heads up I appreciate it.
Im at at work on Sunday night so I won’t see you until the following weekend and I’ll be on dayshift so it’ll be late
Ill miss you too but enjoy your time off
18-03-2025 04:59 PM
18-03-2025 04:59 PM
Hey @Jynx
I hope you get this tomorrow. I won’t be home until nearly 8 so you will be finished.
How was your time away? Did introducing your partner go well?
I have had an awesome day. Pixie is doing really well. I’ve done so much housework and stuff today and I’m accepting the huge accomplishment of the day.
I am proud of what I have done.
I also had an amazing psych appointment. She showed me how fair I have come since her last appointment. It has only been in the last couple of days but it’s an improvement.
I can honestly say I am feeling much better than I was.
O @Captain24 my captain!!
I'm on till 10 tonight to cover for tyme who is away - I completely forgot lol or I would have messaged earlier!
You floating around at all?
oooh so proud of you as well!! And yes I will regale you with tales of my P's introduction v soon! And I uploaded some pics over on Bow's mosaic thread if you wanted to see!
Hey @Jynx
Yeah I’m around.
I saw the pics they look awesome
I hope you had a good time. Is it nice to be home?
@Captain24 eeee gladness!
yay, thanks!! More to come! I also took a whole bunch of pics of some wicked graffiti in Coffs, if you're interested?
Yeah, super chill time! It is nice, it's been pretty drama-free which is good (maybe I should bring a partner up every time lol, family on best behaviour and all! Teehee I am only (half) joking), and it's always ALWAYS nice to get away from the loudness of the city.
I'm in ya happy place!! Beach really is such a goooood vibe hey. And look! i even managed to take a totally clear, definitely easy-to-see picture of the lunar eclipse!! 🤣
Yes yes yes do share. I love good graffiti @Jynx
Im glad you had a super chill time. I can imagine it was nice being away from the hustle and bustle. I’m definitely a small town girl!
I’m jealous that you’re in my happy place. The beach is an amazing place to be. There is something cathartic about watching the waves crash. Then the gentleness of it coming to shore. The sound is calming. It’s an awesome way to ground yourself. (How impressive using grounding!)
That’s an awesome photo. You can see it and then it reflecting on the water and the wet sand.
@Captain24 okay wicked! I will try to upload em tonight - if I get time!
Oh for sure, the rhythms of the ocean are sooooo soothing! Aww wish I could like, spirit you away and bring you up here! Then we could ground together hehe
I'll try to get some more beach pics too if I can!
How's your week been so far hun?
That would be totally awesome @Jynx. I’d be able to appreciate the ocean in a better way than previously and to share it with someone. (Different headspace)
My week started with zero sleep
sunday night. Pix was really sick and I was really scared so I watched her all night for any change. She had heaps bad diarrhoea and I had to wash her bum every one to two hours. Rushed her to the vets Monday morning. Heaps of medication but she is doing well. She looks so much brighter today and has a lot more energy.
Tuesday was flat out with my psych app and cleaning all the dog shit smell outta my house and today was just work.
I don’t know if I told you but I reported a girl for bullying. I felt humiliated and intimidated by her and I told my boss!!!
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